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Home » Seminar on “Changing Landscape of Scholarly Writings and Publications” during 24-25 March 2017

National Law University Delhi Library under the aegis of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized “Two Day Seminar on Changing Landscape of Scholarly Writings and Publications” during 24-25 March 2017. There were eight technical sessions having invited talk and panel discussion on emerging topics of publication landscape in academia.

Session 1 – Publishing Pattern in Academic World: Doctoral Thesis to Journal Articles

Session 2 – Mapping the Publishing Landscape

Session 3 – Publishing Ethics: A Fair Play Game

Session 4 – Discernment the Process of Peer Review: Resubmission, Revision to Rejection

Session 5 – Measuring Impact Factor and Citation Analysis: What and How

Session 6 – Effective Research Methods: Tools and Techniques

Session 7 – Challenges in the Growth of IR and Open Access Publishing

Session 8 – Contract, Royalties and Copyright in Digital Repositories

The seminar emphasized upon the process behind publication of scholarship for aspirant scholars. It is realized that nowadays methods of writings have been changed and it has created a lot of opportunities as well as threats. There is lack of training in our academic curriculum for developing writing and publication skills. The seminar was designed with these insights. It was inaugurated with welcome address of Prof. (Dr.) K.P.S. Mahalwar, Chair Professor in Professional Ethics, NLU Delhi on behalf of Prof. Ranbir Singh, V.C. NLU Delhi. After welcome remarks Dr. Priya Rai, Deputy Librarian introduced about the conference. Inaugural address was delivered by Prof. M.P. Singh, Former Vice Chancellor, NUJS Kolkata and Former Chairperson, Delhi Judicial Academy. Index to Indian and Foreign Legal Articles was inaugurated. Keynote Address was delivered by Mr. NJP Shilohu Rao, General Manager, National eGovernance Division, Digital India. At the end of inaugural session Dr. Akash Singh narrated the vote of thanks.

The valedictory session was graced with the presence of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Ranbir Singh. Valedictory address was narrated by Dr. Manoj Kumar Patairiya, Director, NISCAIR-CSIR. Keynote address was delivered by Prof. Thomas J Stipanowich, William H. Webster Chair in Dispute Resolution and Professor of Law, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. Prof. Ranbir Singh raised very serious concern over the quality of writing and publication by students as well as faculty. He strongly advocated that awareness seminar of this kind should be conducted at regular intervals for the enhancement and promotion of legal research. Dr. Priya Rai briefed the recommendations of the seminar. Lastly, Prof. Bajpai emphasized that writing is a creative process and a powerful medium which can change the course of civilization and thanked everyone for being part of the seminar.

Program Schedule