Dr. Syed lqbal Ahmed
Assistant Professor
Dr. Syed Iqbal Ahmad holds a Ph.D. from National Law University Delhi and an LL.M. from M.D. University (Rohtak). He has also been a Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London (London, UK). He has been one of the founding faculties of NLU Delhi and has been associated with curriculum development and teaching subjects related to Human Rights, Humanitarian & Refugee Law, Islamic Law, Administrative Law and History of Constitutional and Legal Developments. Previously, he has worked as an Assistant Professor (Law) at Kardan University, Kabul (Afghanistan). He has worked on several Government projects including an Interim Report on the Reforms of Waqf Property Administration in India, Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD). He has contributed to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and has also submitted comments on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 1979, WCD.
His lectures and paper presentations are listed below:
- Human Trafficking in South Asia, 19th Asian Law Institute Conference on the theme: Sustainable Development and law in Asia organized by Asian law Institute Singapore, 28th and 29th May 2022.
- “Strengthening of Police Services Responses to Domestic Violence” paper presented at the International Conference “Law and Legal Education during and Post pandemic organized by the Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) and Asian Association of Law Professors (AALP) at Dhaka, Bangladesh 13-16 January 2022
- Female Victims of Trafficking – Developing a Victim Centered Approach presented at the International Seminar on Human Rights and Gender Justice organized by the Kerala Law Academy Law College in association with Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and Research (CALSAR) at Kerala University Campus, Thrivuvananthapuram, Kerala, 4 December 2021.
- Human Trafficking: Need for an Effective Prosecution response to Human Trafficking for promotion of Social and global calm, at the Two day Online International Conference organized by the Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi on “Identification of Principal Foundations for Global Peace” January 23rd-24th 2021.
- Effective Prosecution strategies for Combating Human Trafficking, 17th Asian law Institute Conference on the Theme: Law and Justice in Asia organized by the National law University Delhi and the Asian law Institute, Singapore, 7th to 9th November 2020.
- Presented Paper on Human Trafficking at the 1st Asian Association of Law Professors (AALP) Conference at Kathmandu, Nepal, July11-12 2019.
- Resource Person at Summer School on International Humanitarian Law, Organized by the Lloyd law College, 16th-22nd June 2018.
- Role of Law Enforcement and Prosecution authorities in combating Human Trafficking presented at the Two day National Conference on the Role of law Enforcement Authorities and Government in Upholding Justice, Organized by School of Law, Pondicherry University ( A Central University) Co-Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi and Indian Bank, Pondicherry University, Branch. March 2-3, 2018.
- Paper’s Presented “ Jurisdictional and Enforcement aspect of the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies {IALS} University of London, United Kingdom, Oct-Dec 1999.
- Paper Presented on “Human Rights in the SAARC region”, presented at the Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, December 1996.
- Paper presented “Human Rights in South Asia with special reference to India”, presented at the Student’s Conference at the Faculty of Law, Belgrade, Yugoslavia June-1996

Areas of Interest
- Criminal law
- Administrative Law
- Contract Law
- Law of Partnership