Dr. Akash Singh
Assistant Librarian
Dr. Akash Singh is working as Assistant Librarian with National Law University since October 2009. Prior to his present assignment, Dr. Akash Singh worked with Indian Law Institute, Kendra Vidyalaya, and IITM Delhi. Dr. Akash obtained his Bachelor’s Degree (B.Com) from the University of Delhi, M.A.(Public Administration), LL.B from Meerut University, M.Phil ( Library & Information Sciences), and PGDLAN from IGNOU. Dr. Singh has obtained his doctorate from Vikram University, Ujjain. He also qualified UGC-Net three times during 2010(June), 2012(June & Dec).
He has credited fourteen edited books and thirty-Three articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. His current interest areas are library automation, networking, web-based information resources, and open access initiatives. He was a member team’s implementation of Digital library initiations and digitization of the Journal of Indian Law Institute and the Annual Survey of Indian Law. He has a specialization in online reference services and digitization. He is a member of many library associations like Delhi Library Association, Indian Library Association, Govt. of Indian Librarians Association, Special Library Association and All India Media Library Association, India Vision Foundation for serving community libraries in Delhi.
Dr. Akash Singh has also been awarded the Best Young Law Librarian Award instituted by Manupatra and the Association of Indian Law Libraries in September 2019 during the International Conference on Digitial Transformation (ICDT) at RGNUL, Patiala, India. He was awarded International Bursaries to attend the Annual Course of International Law from the International Association of Law Libraries in Barcelona, Spain in 2013. Dr. Akash has been awarded the “Best Paper Award” by Library Professional Association (LPA), during International Conference on Knowledge Organization in Academic Libraries (I-KOAL-2017) at Goa University during December 15-16, 2017. Dr. Akash also received the best paper titled “Engendering Heaven for Scholarly Community: Weaving Platform for Open Access Books through Virtual Domain” during International Conference on DigiTTAL organized by NIT, Karnataka in December 2019.
Academic Social LInks:
- Open Educational Resources
- Public Domain Legal Resources
- Open Access Books
- Akash@Researchgate.net
- Akash@Academia.edu
- Akash@SSRN
- Web of Science ResearcherID AAN-7231-2021
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2603-3295
- Working as ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN (Select Grade) in the Pay Band 15600 -39100/- with Grade Pay Rs.8000/- in National Law University, Delhi, Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 from December 2020 to till date.
- Worked as ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN (Sr. Scale) in the Pay Band 15600 -39100/- with Grade Pay Rs.7000/- in National Law University, Delhi, Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 from December 2015 to December 2020.
- Working as ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN in the Pay Band 15600-39100/- with Grade Pay Rs.6000/- in National Law University, Delhi, Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 from October 2009 to till December 2015.
- Worked as PROFESSIONAL JUNIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT Grade-I in the scale of 5200-20,000/ Grade Pay 2400/- in The Indian Law Institute (Deemed University) Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi-110046 from January 2005 to September 2009.
- Worked as LIBRARY ASSISTANT in Institute of Information Technology & Management, Janak Puri, New Delhi affiliated to GGS Indraprastha University from December 2003 to December 2004.
- Worked as LIBRARIAN in Kendriya Vidyalaya Tinsukia Assam under Ministry of HRD Govt. of India in the scale of 5500-175-9000/- from September 2003 to November 2003.
- Worked as LIBRARY ASSISTANT in Institute of Information Technology & Management, Janak Puri, New Delhi affiliated to GGS Indraprastha University from June 2003 to August 2003.
Total Working Experience: More than 18 Years
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION (Academic and Professionals)
- Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), RLA College, University of Delhi, 1998.
- Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I.Sc) IGNOU, 2001.
- Masters of Library and Information Science, Annamalai University, 2002.
- Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil) (Library and Information Science), Allagappa University, 2003.
- Masters of Arts ( Public Administration) from Madurai Kamraj University, 2005.
- LL.B. Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, 2008.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking, IGNOU, 2009.
- Doctorate of Philosophy (P.hD.) in Library and Information Science, Vikram University, Ujjain, 2016.
- UGC-NET (June 2010, June 2012, and December 2012).
- Open Access Initiatives and Resources supporting free access resources around the world for the benefits of institutions and research communities.
- Library and Information Resource Management supporting computer-based online reference services.
- Development of Web Portals. (www.justsicetpschawlalibrary.webs.com; www.nlu-lips.webs.com; www.icalirda2012.webs.com; www.publicdomainresources.webs.com; www.openaccessresources.webs.com)
- RFID Technology for Anti-Theft Surveillance System implemented at ILI and NLU, Delhi.
- Cataloging & Classification of Books through UDC.
- Procurement of Journals on an exchange, gift, and purchase basis.
- Information System and Induction Programmes.
- At Indian Law Institute, Bhagwan Das Road, NLU, Delhi (2005 to 2009)
- Started Barcode Generation within the Library for Books, Journals, etc. in The Indian Law Institute Library
- Pioneered Electronic Circulation by generating E-Cards to users through Barcode Reader in Indian Law Institute & National Law University, Delhi.
- Contributed to “Index to Indian Legal Periodical 2006 & 2008” an annual publication of the Indian Law Institute Library.
- Prepared a Compilation “Accessing Legal Information: Sources and Materials, ILI, 2006” covering all best known legal web resources on the Internet available free of Cost.
- Prepared compilations for student section on Shipping Laws, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Global Warming, and Legal Research & Education.
- Prepared study materials for the students of “Post Graduate Diploma in Judging & Court Management”.
- Assisted as a team member for Implementation of RFID System at ILI Delhi in 2016
- Assisted as a team member for establishing Legal Research Information Centre at ILI in 2006.
At National Law University Delhi, Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi (2009 to date)
- Dealing with procurement of Electronic documents involving digital licensing issues.
- Implementation of RFID System (Fully featured) at NLU, Delhi
- Implementation of Newspaper Search Databases for accessing newspaper articles at NLU, Delhi.
- Under process in establishing Institutional Repository of National Law University Delhi.
- Assisting in compilation of various regular publications viz. “Newsletter, Journals, Annual Reports, event proceedings, research reports and other publications of National Law University, Delhi”.
- Member Editorial Group, Journal of NLU, Delhi
- Member, Website Maintenance Committee, NLU, Delhi
- Member, National Academic Depository (NAD), NLU, Delhi
- Member, Publication Division, NLU, Delhi.
- Responsible for getting issued ISBN, RNI, and ISSN Numbers for University Press Publications at NLU, Delhi.
- Assisted in Organizing International Conference on Accessing Legal Information and Research in Digital Age at National Law University Delhi in association with SAARCLAW during 2012. Conference Website: www.icalirda2012.webs.com
- Recipient of IALL Bursary Award for Professional Development for Law Foreign Law Librarians for attending IALL Annual Conference at Barcelona Spain in 2013. Please refer http://iall.org/previous-award-winners/
- Assisted in Organizing Library and Information Professional Summit 2015 at National Law University Delhi in association with Special Library Association, Society of Library Professionals, United Nation Information Centre for Indian and Bhutan. Conference Website: www.nlu-lips.webs.com
- Recipient of Travel Grant from Society of Library Professionals (SLP) for presenting Research Paper at ICoASL 2015 organized by National Assembly Library, Seoul, Korea. Please refer http://www.icoasl2015.com/
- “Best Paper Award” awarded by Library Professional Association (LPA), during International Conference on Knowledge Organization in Academic Libraries (I-KOAL-2017) at Goa University during December 15-16, 2017.
- Members, Virtual Committee, Special Library Association, Asian Chapter.
- Council Member, Indian Library Association, India
- Member Special Library Association.
- Member International Association of Law Libraries.
- Life Member Government of India Libraries Association.
- Life Member Indian Library Association.
- Life Member Society for Information Science.
- Life Member Indian Association of Special Library & Information Centres.
- Life Member Delhi Library Association.
- Life Member AMLA.
- Lecture on “Quantitative Approaches and Managing Statistical Calculations in Research: Use of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)” for the course of Research Methodology of LL.M. and MCLIS at NLIU, Bhopal, M.P. on 06th December 2021.
- Lecture on “Statistical Analysis Supporting Tools for Quantitative Research in Digital Era” for the course of Research Methodology of LL.M. and MCLIS at NLIU, Bhopal, M.P. on 07th December 2021.
- Invited Lecture on “Jurimetrics and legal research program such as Lexis and West law coding ” in Online Capacity Building Workshop on Research Methodology organized by IQAC of M. P. Law College, Aurangabad on 01st September 2021.
- Invited Lecture on Laws of Library Science and Library Management during Technical Session-2 during One Day Virtual National Seminar on Relevance of Ranganathan’s Five Laws in Digital Environment organized by Dept of Lib & Info Science, BRA Bihar University, on August 12, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD-6fKs6hgs
- Invited Lecture on “Open Access Resources and NDLI” during National Webinar on Open Access Resources and Research Integrity organized by Central Library, Assam Don Bosco University Guwahati on 10 August 2021.
- Live program on the topic “Five Laws of Library Science” in Library and Information Science at the senior secondary level on PMe-vidya channel on 21st June 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es984tnIVxQ
- Live Radio Programme Lecture on “Modern Library Services” at Radio Vahini FM 91.2 MHz for NIOS Library and Information Science Students on 18 May 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgf17RRyFWg
- Guest Lecture on “Intellectual Property Rights and Academic Integretiy” during National Webinar on IPR and Academic Integrity oragnised by Department of Library, Government College, Gairatganj, District-Raisen, Madhya Pradesh held on Dated 26th Februrary 2021.
- Invited Lecture on Open Access to Law and Legal Scholarship delivered during Course-work for the Third Batch of Ph.D. Programme at Maharastra National Law University Nagpur, Nagpur, Maharastra on 1st November 2020.
- Invited Lecture on Open Access Resources during 12-Days Capacity Development Programme on “Legal Research Methodology, Research and Publication Ethics” organized by Himachal Pradesh National Law University Shimla from October 16-28, 2020.
- Invited Lecture on Mine is Mine your’s is Your’s. Lets Exploit Collectively during The Wire: Webinar on Copyright Issues in Digital Era organized by Balani Infotech on 10th September 2020.
- Delivered Invited Talk on RFID Overview during National Webinar on RFID in Libraries: Standards and Expanding Use organized by Library and Information Science Professionals’ Association (LIPA) on 26th July 2020.
- Delivered Invited Talk on Combating COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspective Role of Libraries and Means of Free Flow of Information during 1st Webinar -cum-Group-Discussion organized by Indian Library Association on 6th May 2020.
- Delivered an invited talk on Open Online Stockpile: Treasure for Scholarly Community with the advent of Information and Communication Technology at Webinar organized by Khetan and Company on 1st May 2020.
- Delivered as Resource Person during a Penal Discussion on Academic Libraries: Latest Trends and New Opportunities for Libraries and Information Professionals during International library and Professional Summit-2020 at SoS, in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji Nagar, Gwalior on 15th February 2020.
- Invited Talk on ” Law Libraries: Linchpins for Law Schools bracing Best Practices for Future Strategies” at Dr. Rammanohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow on 21-22 December 2019.
- Invited talk on “Open Educational Resource Guide with special reference to the web portal www.openaccessresources.webs.com” during Faculty Development Programme organised by IGNCA, New Delhi on 18 October 2019.
- Invited Talk on “Open Educational Resource Guide and Copyright Laws” at National Law University Delhi during National Seminar on Bridging Educational Divides through MOOCs and OERs on 23 November 2019.
- Invited Talk on “Nourishing through Freebees: Positioning Public Domain and Open Access Resources supporting Legal Education and Research in India” at GNLU, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during 12-15 November 2018.
- Lecture delivered on “Legal Research in Digital Environment” at Delhi Judicial Academy, New Delhi during 23 rd April 2018.
- Invited on talk as Panellist on Theme “Revolution Dynamics of Library for Excellence in Electronic Revolution” in Sixth International Library and Information Professionals Summit (I-LIPS 2017) on Dynamics of Library for Excellence in Electronic Revolution" held during 6th – 8th April 2017, jointly organized by The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, Punjab, India, and Society for Library Professionals (SLP), New Delhi, India in association with Special Libraries Association (SLA), Asian Chapter.
- Invited to deliver talk as Discussant on the theme “Challenges in the Growth of Institutional Repositories and Open Access Publishing” during Two Days Seminar on Changing Landscape of Scholarly Writings and Publications by National Law University Delhi during 24-25 March 2017.
- Lecture delivered on “Legal Research in Digital Environment: An Introduction to Tools & Strategies” for newly recruited officers (2016 Batch) at Delhi Judicial Academy on 11th August 2016 at 2-3 p.m.
- Lecture delivered on “Enhancing Intellectual Integrity in Legal Writing: How to Avoid Plagiarism” at Delhi Judicial Academy on 11th August 2016 at 3.15-4.15 p.m.
- Lecture delivered to DAV School Librarians under “Workshop for the School Librarians” at DAV Gurugram on 17th September 2016.
- Lecture delivered on “Legal research in the digital environment: Tools for legal research and Methodology” for newly recruited officers (2017 Batch) at Delhi Judicial Academy on 20th July 2017 at 1.45-3.00 p.m.
- Lecture delivered on “Intellectual integrity in legal writing” for newly recruited officers (2017 Batch) at Delhi Judicial Academy on 20th July 2017 at 3.15-4.30 p.m.
- Data Processing and Analysis Module ID-29, Research Methodology at National Law University, Delhi under ePG Pathshala Project, UGC, 2016.
- Review of Literature Module ID-10, Research Methodology at National Law University, Delhi under ePG Pathshala Project, UGC, 2016.
- Managing Statistical Calculations in Research: Use of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Module ID-33, Research Methodology at National Law University, Delhi under ePG Pathshala Project, UGC, 2016.
- Modern Library Services, Library and Information Services, at National Institute of Open Schooling, 2017.
- Library System and Management, Library and Information Services, at National Institute of Open Schooling, 2017.
- Massive Open Online Course on INFORMATION SOURCES SYSTEM AND SERVICES on the SWAYAM platform of Government of India, offered by Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh. completed on 25-06-2019.
- Massive Open Online Course on DIGITAL LIBRARY on the SWAYAM platform of Government of India, offered by Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh.
- ARPIT Course for Career Advancement Scheme(CAS) promotion Refresher Course in Library and Information Science with a “D” Grade in the proctored examination held on 30.03.2019 Offered by IGNOU.
- Undertook training attending 2nd Five Day Workshop on Library Automation and Digitisation during June 17-21, 2019.
- Attended Orientation Programme (OR85) organized by CPDHE (UGC-HRDC), the University of Delhi from 20 May 2016 to 17 June 2016.
- Refresher Courses on E-resources & ICT in Teaching & Research (ID) (RC-296) w.e.f. 19.09.2016 to 08.10.2016 and submitted an online project in the form of website https://openaccessresources.webs.com/
- Attended Workshop on ERP Mission, at IIT Kanpur 29 June – 01 July 2012.